Are Premium Oil Filters Worth It?

We look at how opting for a premium oil filter can benefit your car.

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Modern engines are making more and more power these day, and are becoming increasingly complicated with things like maintenance intervals becoming more frequent. This means it’s more important than ever to make sure that you’re only using premium servicing products to maximise the longevity of your engine. Of course, this means using the best oil and fuels, but often overlooked are the filtration components that manage these vital systems.

Now why should you treat your engine to only the best oil and oil filter that money can buy? The build-up of particles in your engine oil is a normal by-product of vehicle use and over time accelerates as carbon and oil sludge accumulates within the engine. Each we perform an oil change, we’re essentially helping slow down the engine’s wear cycle by adding fresh, vital lubrication. The oil filter’s role in this is to trap these contaminants and filter the oil for its next cycle through the engine.

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Buying the best oil and opting for a cheap oil won’t cut it either. This is due to that fact these particles can still make their way through the engine, and at high RPM this can spell disaster for your car’s power-plant.

The Ryco Syntec premium oil filter offers the ultimate in engine protection, removing 99.8% of contaminants and exceed OEM specifications. The Ryco Syntec oil filter achieves this through the use of Syntec non-fiber filter media, which also ensure s maximum oil flow between service intervals. Also included is a silicone anti-drain valve, which keeps the oil filter full of oil between start-ups. This is especially important on modern vehicles with stop start technology.

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So if you love your car, the Ryco Syntec premium oil filter is a more than worthy investment when it comes time for a service. The Ryco Syntec oil filter is available to suit a wide range of vehicles, from your JDM legends to your Aussie muscle cars, and everything in between. Visit our website at the link below to match the right Ryco Syntec Oil Filter to your car.

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